Ranked Choice Voting is coming to your ballot!

This November 5th, Oregon voters will decide whether to adopt ranked choice voting for statewide and federal elections in Oregon

In 2023, the Oregon Legislature passed HB 2004, which referred to voters a ballot measure for the November 2024 general election that would provide for ranked choice voting for statewide and federal offices. As a result, Oregon voters will soon have a chance to decide whether to  significantly expand the use of ranked choice voting statewide.

If passed, Oregonians will have the option to rank candidates in order of preference, in both the primary and general election, for statewide and federal offices, which include, the offices of President of the United States, United States Senator, Representative in Congress, Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, and Attorney General. Voters will also be able to select the Commissioner of Labor and Industries using ranked choice voting in one single primary election.

The proposed policy would also:

  • Standardize implementation tools and resources for local governments choosing to adopt ranked choice voting.

  • Create a statewide voter education campaign in Oregon’s top five most commonly used languages, in addition to English, through the Secretary of State’s office

  • Implement ranked choice voting for first use in the 2028 elections.

A person placing a mail-in ballot into a mailbox

November is quickly approaching! Make sure your voter registration is up-to-date by Tuesday, October 15th to vote in the November general election in Oregon.

Are you ready to vote?