Proportional Representation in Oregon

Oregon voters approved the use of proportional representation through a statewide ballot measure, and it has been authorized by the Oregon Constitution since 1908 (Article II, §16). In 2022, Portland voters adopted proportional representation in the form of multi-winner ranked choice voting, and it will be used to elect Portland’s city council starting with the upcoming November election.


Portland voters adopted proportional representation in the form of multi-winner ranked choice voting to elect their city council. Three winning candidates from each of the four districts will be elected.

Previously, the Portland City Councilors were elected citywide and, as a result, regions of the city were left without representation or access to services. But with geographic representation and a proportional voting system, voters are assured of better representation for their community and their communities’ needs.

Portlanders will elect their new city council with multi-winner ranked choice voting this November. Explore this ranked choice voting method on the City of Portland’s website.

City of Portland district map